Comedian Ava Vidal Mourns Death Of Daughter, Accuses John Gordillo Of Grooming Her Then Underage Daughter With The Help Of Her Own Mother
13 May, 2018 | Posted by Stacey under Celebrities |

Ava Vidal, Shaquelle Vidal & John Gordillo
Ava Vidal, 41, is a comedian she has appeared on TV many times in the UK. Her daughter Shaquelle Karla Iris, 22, died on the 7th April 2018.
Ava has accused another comedian, John Gordillo of grooming her then underage daughter. She also claims that John is fighting her claim for her own daughter’s body.
It hasn’t been revealed how her daughter died.
On the 10th April 2018 John Gordillo posted this on his facebook:
“My beautiful daughter and beloved friend died on Saturday.
There are no words. I loved her with all my heart.
Please don’t leave thinking of you’s and standard condolences below. My little girl would roll her eyes and we would both take the piss. Just think of her or write me privately. She would approve of that.
Kelly Gordillo
Shaquelle Karla Iris Belgrave Gordillo.
Known to all who loved her as Kel or Kelly.
24.08.1994 – 07.04.2018”
On facebook Karla Louis-Marie asks, “Sorry John do you mean Shaquelle Karla Iris Vidal???”
John responded with, “I will clarify further: Sometimes she was a Belgrave, Sometimes a Gordillo because these were the families that nurtured her and with whom she identified in her later life.”
A relative of Ava’s by the name of Rae Vidal states on facebook, “for further clarification she despised being called Shaquelle and would refuse to respond to it. At first I didn’t understand what the big deal was but I got sick of being ignored .”
On the 1st May John posted this picture changing the caption 4 times:
– May 1 at 8:39pm
– May 1 at 9:27pm
“August 2010. Washington Square Park, a Sunday. 7pm”
– May 1 at 9:29pm
“August 2010. Washington Square Park, early evening on a Sunday.”
– May 6 at 9:11am
“It’s me. The real me. I’m back with my beautiful Kel.
Thanks to those who reported what happened to Facebook. The police are on it and I’ll pursue this any way that’s available. Some of the things that have happened since she died are terribly sad and disturbing. I maybe will write about it once we have laid her to rest.
This is me and the girl I was proud to call my daughter in August 2010. Washington Square Park. It was a Sunday around 7 at night. I remember it vividly.”
It appears allegedly, that John and Ava dated when Shaquelle was about 11 or 12 years old. The relationship ended. Ava noticed that John had an unhealthy attachment and obsession to her daughter. She contacted the police, tried to file restraining orders, it got to be too much.
When Shaquelle was 15, Ava sent her daughter to Bardados to get away from John to live with her mother, Shaquelle’s grandmother. John flew to Barbados and allegedly paid Ava’s ex-boyfriend, Shaquelle’s father and Ava’s mother Shaquelle’s grandmother and plied them with gifts. John was able to win their trust and Shaquelle started living and traveling with John.
John started to call Shaquelle his daughter. And alleges that Shaquelle preferred to be called Kelly with the changing surnames of Belgrave and Gordillo.
What happened when Shaquelle was ‘kidnapped’ and or went willingly as a child with John is unclear. We don’t know if Ava had any contact with her daughter during this period, if they were estranged or if Shaquelle was brainwashed. We also don’t know why or if Shaquelle didn’t like or changed her name.
John’s wife is estranged from him due to his unnatural relationship with Shaquelle, she is divorcing him due to his obsession with Shaquelle.
Then Shaquelle died. Her mother was notified rightfully so as the next of kin.
Reading Ava’s tweets is sickening. Something isn’t right.
I’ve posted Ava’s tweets below, there are quite a few, if this story is true. Obviously Ava is grieving heavily and her heart is broken.
- 10th May 2018 6:05 GMT: I have been away due to a bereavement. I’ve lost my first born baby. I will never be the same. I will never recover. Circumstances since her death defy belief. I can’t even grieve for my child. I am going to get to the truth of what happened #RIPBabygirl
- She went to school in Barbados. I will organise something over there in her honour when I have the strength. I will need your help when I do. She was groomed and let down by those that I trusted to care for her #lifeinleggings
- Thank you Sis. Barbados needs to know what my mother has done. It’s outrageous. I can’t believe the betrayal.
- This is WAR. My daughter was not strong enough to fight but luckily she has me for a mother. All of my media friends I will need help. And anyone else that can help. I will be on here looking for information in the coming days. Thank you all.
- Sometimes as black women we know we have to fight for ourselves. All too often the world doesn’t give a damn about us. So we fight for each other. Right about now I am going to raise an army. We’ll get the truth out about what.
- Anyone know a good, reliable private investigator? One with decent rates? I have a job that needs doing. Paying out a lot for lawyers right now. Or any of my followers an investigator that wants to do me a favour?
- Thank you. I am being taken to court by the man who groomed her. He’s fighting me for custody of the dead body. It defies belief that the law is even allowing this. It’s costing me a fortune. After this I am going to campaign to change it.
- I am so tired. So very tired. Sleep well babygirl. All I have left of you is stretchmarks. This can’t be real. Here she is in Barbados, crying because she is scared of the sand. Some Caribbean kid! #RIPower
- My project to empower Caribbean women through comedy has been deferred for a year. I hope you understand. Next year it’ll be dedicated to my late daughter and all other victims of grooming and trafficking. Thanks to Frank Collymore Hall, Barbados
- 12th May 2018: People keep saying “What are you doing? If it was my kid that nonce would be 6ft under!” I’m fighting. But that attitude pushed me to the edge yesterday. It’s not fair. The law is an ass. But don’t accuse me of not fighting. It’s the last thing I can do for my kid. But it’s slow
- Five weeks ago today my life came crashing down. The police came to my door and told me my first born child was dead. I didn’t believe them. They were two of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I was convinced they were actresses and it was a cruel trick. It wasn’t.
- I am fighting the man that groomed my child for custody of her dead body. This is madness. Utter madness. Yesterday I sat outside of his house for 5 hours. I am home safe and sound now. Best believe I am raging. I’m trying to work within the law. But don’t accuse me of not caring
- This world does not care about black girls.
- I was 17 when I was pregnant with that kid. We grew up together. She got recognition at school for objecting to golliwogs. She literally lifted my Independent article? She got an ‘A’ but I claim that grade!
I was 17 when I was pregnant with that kid. We grew up together. She got recognition at school for objecting to golliwogs. She literally lifted my Independent article? She got an ‘A’ but I claim that grade!
— Ava Vidal (@thetwerkinggirl) May 12, 2018
This is BULLSHIT. I have to go to court to defend my right to bury my first born kid. That piece of shit biological father of hers has sold her soul. He’s teamed up with the guy that groomed her. He didn’t care for her in life and he’s disrespected her in death. TRAMP!
— Ava Vidal (@thetwerkinggirl) May 12, 2018
Shall I publish e mails from @johngordillo admitting that the police and social services told him to leave my child alone? He was obsessed. If I am lying then sue me. I am SICK OF THIS
— Ava Vidal (@thetwerkinggirl) May 12, 2018
Ask this piece of shit why he went to the hospital and stole her mobile and laptop. Ask the @metpoliceuk why he is not in custody. This. Is. War.
— Ava Vidal (@thetwerkinggirl) May 13, 2018
Call me crazy. Call me angry. I do not care. How many times did I beg @JohnGordillo to leave my daughter alone? Where are you John? One tweet and you’ve gone? ANSWER ME! I am not going away
— Ava Vidal (@thetwerkinggirl) May 13, 2018
John Gordillo responding to Jane E MCallaghan
Ava responds to John:
- You lying scumbag piece of shit. Why did you steal my letter to your wife? Did you tell me you were in New York with my child? How many foreign trips did you take? I sat outside your house for 5 hours yesterday. How much do you pay for your biological kids? But you chased my kid
- How much are you paying her biological father? My mother boats that you bought her leather settees and a flat screen TV. You never met my mother when we were together. When did you meet? How much did you pay her? You groomed my whole family. Do yourself a favour. Shut up.
- Do you remember boasting that you were going to make me run out of money?! That you were going to take me to court pretending to be my kids Dad? Are you fucking crazy?! Be happy I am staying in. I saw your kids yesterday. I was outside 5 hours.
- Your life ends today. Because everyone is seeing this. You keep calling yourself an ‘alleged groomer.’ Why did you hide your relationship with my kid when she was 15-18? Why did you move her in with you when she was 18? All behind my back. Where did you meet her biological Dad?
- Where is your wife? Why did you steal the recorded letter I sent you? Love that you thought you could play an African woman. Twat.
- You are full of it. You’re fighting me for the dead body. There is no fair trial. You are i
- Where are my daughter’s laptop and her mobile? Why did you go and take them after she died?!
- Keep going John. This ends today. You thought my paedo Mum was your ally? Shall we talk about Lolita? Let’s go.
- I kept that signed copy of Lolita. Shall we talk about it?!
- What is complex? Tell people why you enlisted her crackhead piece of shit ‘Dad’ Btw who is the Dad?! You are confused. Why are you sharing a lawyer? Why did you delete my brother’s Facebook comment? Why did you delete and block him?
- I am on my way to your house. Keep fronting. You vile piece of shit.
- Going to the gym. @JohnGordillo you are on notice. Answer my questions. You are DISGUSTING. You messed with the wrong kid. Why did you see my kid behind my back? How much did you pay? I am ‘smearing’ you? Answer the questions.
- I am a black mother. Don’t fuck with me. @JohnGordillo I am taking this fight to the public arena. When I come out of this gym,John have some answers!!! Fuck each and everyone on the comedy circuit that is supporting this shit! This ends TODAY!
- Do. Not. Fuck. With. Me @JohnGordillo
- You motherfucker. I am on my way. Don’t hide behind those kids today. It’s about me and you. Why did you touch my child?! It ends TODAY!!!!!
- I am doing better than my lawyers @JohnGordillo I am coming for you. Tell the world how you travelled the world for my girl and you didn’t care for your biological boys. How much do you pay for your boys? Giles will tell everyone. You wanted a fight? Here I am!
- You disgusting piece of shit. Hiding in plain sight. Why did you joke about f***ing my kid? Did anyone record that material? Can anyone come to court for me? This man is a joke.
- Tell us. How complex it is. You disgusting bitch. How long did we live together?! Why were you so obsessed with my kid?
- Publicly smeared by Ms Vidal?! Why is your wife divorcing you? Why did she accuse you of having sex with my child? John. Run and hide. I am on my way.
- Hey John. How old was my kid when you fixated on her? Why did you make her do her hair like mine and dress like me? Why did you block my brother from Facebook for calling you out? You sick POS.
- What are the reasons for our court appearance? When did you make friend’s with my kid’s biological father? How much are you paying him? Why do you want my kids dead body?!
- Harassed? Bitch, I have not even started. Leave me alone. Leave my dead child alone. Don’t fuck with me. What do you want with her dead body? Why are comedy people telling me you were giving my child drugs? Cause she couldn’t stand you near her.
- Hello @metpoliceuk I have begged you for 5 weeks. Go and get my child’s laptop and phone that Gordillo stole after she died. He’s wiping evidence and you’re giving him the time and space to do it. I am Ava Vidal. I am not going away.
- Oi @JohnGordillo why have you changed your Twitter profile? It was about spunking right? You can delete it but your ‘comedy’ about my kid is on record. You confessed you’re a sex addict. You fixated on my kid. Leave my dead child alone. You messed with the wrong mother.
- All I asked for were her ashes. Using her biological Dad this bitch told me where to pour them. He also said where I have to do it. NO MORE!! ENOUGH! The abuse stops TODAY! Where are you hiding @JohnGordillo? Why did you send a ‘representative’ to take pics of my kids dead body?
- He posted about her death on FB. He also asked for no comments cause he knew he was full of shit. He announced her death to this whole industry before I could even breathe in. He’s calling her his ‘daughter.’ What sick shit is this?! I lived with him less than 18 months
- He planned this for years. He even did an Edinburgh festival show about her. This wasn’t for then…it was for now.
- You’re not wrong. He controlled every aspect of her life. Now he’s trying to control what happens to her in death. He’s fighting me for custody of the dead body
- Thank you. Today I stand up for every black woman and child. Ask @JohnGordillo where he met my mother. Ask him how much he aid her? Why did he cross oceans to meet my estranged family AFTER I left him?! He is taking the piss
- Social services called this man a predator. He was told countless times to leave my kid alone. Where are you @JohnGordillo? You’re so keen to take me to court for her dead body. Why not this? Let’s go to court. How many women have you driven to the brink of suicide?!
Read this. I begged this bastard to leave my kid alone. Read this gaslighting shit
— Ava Vidal (@thetwerkinggirl) May 13, 2018
Read this. I begged this bastard to leave my kid alone. Read this gaslighting shit
— Ava Vidal (@thetwerkinggirl) May 13, 2018
This is me in 2009 BEGGING this POS to leave me and my kid alone. The police advised I did this
— Ava Vidal (@thetwerkinggirl) May 13, 2018
I am doing better than my lawyers @JohnGordillo I am coming for you. Tell the world how you travelled the world for my girl and you didn’t care for your biological boys. How much do you pay for your boys? Giles will tell everyone. You wanted a fight? Here I am!
— Ava Vidal (@thetwerkinggirl) May 13, 2018
We’ve reached out to Ava with no response. We will be updating once we have more imformation, if you or anyone you know has any info, please email us at
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